Tough Day...whee
Boy, it was one tough day today. Got to watch my back not only in the office, but out in the commmunity. Having a good dose of paranoia is not a bad thing in my work. The toughest thing is those same groups you are trying to work with are the first that will stab you in the back. Mostly, I'm a positive person, but lately things have been kinda' weird.
Community folks will ask you for support, you bust your back trying to provide assistance and wham they blame you if something goes wrong which in most cases is there own doing. So who do you trust? Well, today I say "trust yourself and your instincts."
Tomorrow is another day, and I am sure full of opportunities, but today I just have to "bitch" and spit nails.
Some days are better than others - I hope you're feeling better. Thanks for stopping by my blog.
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